Category Archives: Agelopsis oregonensis

Funnel Weaver Friend

Some folks run screaming from spiders, but I am enjoying getting to know the ones that live around our home. They are all friendly and harmless and such. Spiders are more likely to be intimidated by a human, but some of them seem to be getting over their fear and might actually even recognize me. This morning I got this little one to agree to pose so you can see the uniqueness of his palp (scroll through the photos to find the red arrow). It’s unique because of the extra long embolus (read some interesting stuff about this linked below). This is a male funnel weaver (Agelenopsis oregonensis). I had help from Rod Crawford identifying him when I first spied him at my bug light a few weeks ago. Now, we are having daily morning meetups and this little spider is getting over his shyness.

Location: San Juan Island, WA

Species ID: Agelenopsis oregonensis

More info.: