Tag Archives: Pale Tiger Swallowtail

Pale Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon) on Walkers Low Catmint (Nepeta racemosa)

I love my catmint!  The deer don’t like it, but pollinators absolutely DO!  Every year, I wait in anticipation to see what visits the tiny purple-indigo flowers.  I’ve had everything from hummingbirds to bumblebees, moths, and butterflies.  Today, I took two short clips of the Pale Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon) visiting the blooms.  There have been as many as seven or eight fluttering about at a time.

I keep hoping to see my very favorite of the pollinators visiting the catmint, but have to make a point of going around dusk.  It’s been a few years, but the catmint is also a favorite of the elusive hummingbird moth (Hemaris diffinis).  Here is one I photographed in June of 2016.   Also known as the Snowberry Clearwing moth, these fuzzy, large-bodied but nimble fliers are also called Bumblebee or Hawk moths.

Hemaris diffinis on Catmint

Hemaris diffinis on Catmint photo by Cynthia Brast June 1, 2016. San Juan Island, WA

Hemaris diffinis on Catmint

Hummingbird moth (Hemaris diffinis) on Catmint